• Advanced Manufacturing

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How to Select the Best MLOps Platform

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Databricks (Open-Source Tools) or Azure ML Workspace (Azure) or How to Select the Best MLOps Platform.

The 9 pillars of industry 4.0

  • Advanced Manufacturing
If we take a brief look back over previous industrial revolutions: mechanization (steam and coal), electricity (mass manufacturing, assembly line) and electronics and computing (automation thanks to information and communication technologies) we can see how these events caused cities and populations to develop, marking a turning point for economies and society as a whole.

Machine Communication Standards

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We all know that our goal is to achieve online connectivity between our IT systems and the real processes taking place in our factories. However, in reality, nowadays there is no single communication standard which allows us to communicate our IT solutions (ERP/MRP/MES) to any given machine from any given manufacturer and, of all these terms, it is not easy to understand which are important in each case.