• Advanced Manufacturing

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Multi-location - digitization: the vaccine that the metal industry needs

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The industrial sector, like many others, is facing a period of uncertainty as the economic and business scenario has been radically transformed over the last few months by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing’s for sure: emerging intact from such a delicate situation doesn’t just depend on ourselves; there are many intervening factors and they are closely connected, such as the recovery of the major world powers’ economies, the measures taken by the governments in each country or the evolution of the virus itself.

Levers for building a sustainable future

  • Digital Transformation
The industrial sector is the powerhouse behind a country’s growth due to its ability to enhance the competitiveness and internationalization of an economy. The driving effect that it has over other activities, the quality of the work that it generates, the constant innovation and the speed and flexibility with which it adapts to different situations make the industrial business fabric a vector for the progress and well-being of a society.

10 Key Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Management Software for the Sheet Metal Industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Nowadays, practically all organizations have a number of technological plant management solutions that they use to resolve certain issues. Each one delivers, although in response to new needs, multiple tools are being incorporated, creating more complex environments that sometimes complicate plant control.