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USA custom fabricator grows with Lantek’s sheet metal ERP

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Cutting and bending sheet metal accurately is a challenging task, especially when the job involves tight tolerances and complex geometries. It often takes time, skill, and multiple tries to meet customer specifications.

Multi-location - digitization: the vaccine that the metal industry needs

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The industrial sector, like many others, is facing a period of uncertainty as the economic and business scenario has been radically transformed over the last few months by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing’s for sure: emerging intact from such a delicate situation doesn’t just depend on ourselves; there are many intervening factors and they are closely connected, such as the recovery of the major world powers’ economies, the measures taken by the governments in each country or the evolution of the virus itself.

Business Intelligence: accessibility, agility and knowledge to lend continuity to business

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The raison d’être in industry is the transformation of raw materials into suitable products that satisfy people’s requirements and, by extension, those of the market. The quantity of processes performed and the parties that have to intervene to make this transformation possible vary depending on the sector or the purpose of the product. Coordinating all of the above is complicated as it generates data which is both ample and extremely diverse and to which other variables are added, such as the market, external factors, the competition... the information keeps on growing! Knowing how to process it to find out which type of data we have and which can truly add value, streamlining processes, identifying trends, reducing uncertainty, making forecasts and being able to react in time is critical for any sector’s industry.