• Digital Transformation

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Merging machines and software for the Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
A favourable overall framework such as that of Industry 4.0, which encompasses a set of factors, extended to specific applications such as the connectivity of elements in the plant and the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), are leading the industrial sector to change at an unprecedented scale.

Lantek WEM: the new way of managing production in the workshop

  • Advanced Manufacturing
A typical sheet metal workshop can process dozens of orders daily, which translates into hundreds of operations on different machines and work centers. Managing such a large production volume is not a trivial matter. The production flow is usually interrupted due to problems such as unscheduled machine shutdowns, incidents related to internal logistics, conflicts in planning, and so on.

Five reasons for applying machine learning in manufacturing

  • Machine Learning
The Spanish industrial sector is facing an enormous challenge in order to become more competitive in the midst of digital transformation and in a market in which new consumer habits are pushing us towards a new form of manufacturing. The client in the digital era wants THEIR order (in capital letters because they don’t want what’s standard, they want something that’s customized) and they want it in record time, which requires us to be more streamlined and fast.