• Advanced Manufacturing

Noyon’s Production Powered by Lantek

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Total control and efficient production management is the key to success, especially for a service company., Noyon co-owner Szymon Penczek explains in this artice how the implementation of the Lantek system has improved the quality of the company’s production processes.

Extended Digital Transformation, when the collaborative environment becomes a business model

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The digital ecosystem leads us to create collaborative environments in which we can grow as technological partners, sharing ideas from internal sources (the company itself) and external ones (customers, suppliers, the competition, the market) to develop advanced technological solutions. This is what we call Extended Digital Transformation, a concept that combines the best value propositions of all the agents involved in the process of innovation, with the aim of being more efficient and more productive in the competitive era of Industry 4.0.

Do you know your clients well?

  • Digital Transformation
Do you know your clients well? Do you dedicate to all the same time equally? Would you sell more if you had more sales reps?