• Digital Transformation

The 9 pillars of industry 4.0

  • Advanced Manufacturing
If we take a brief look back over previous industrial revolutions: mechanization (steam and coal), electricity (mass manufacturing, assembly line) and electronics and computing (automation thanks to information and communication technologies) we can see how these events caused cities and populations to develop, marking a turning point for economies and society as a whole.

Cloud Computing: the advantages of being in the cloud for the metal industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Digital transformation is making increasingly decentralized environments possible. As well as mobile devices and software tools that interconnect machines and processes while capturing data, storing all of the information generated by factories in the cloud makes it possible for us to take greater advantage of all of the information in a more streamlined and efficient manner.

Adjust your quoting to the demand

  • Digital Transformation
The competitiveness of our quotes in a world as demanding and global as today’s is a critical success factor. It can be the difference between the customer choosing our option or not. Being able to choose which quotes we want to prioritize and win and which are of little interest is what will contribute to ensure the profitability and survival of our company in the long term.