• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek Expert and iQuoting are indispensable at A13 Engineering

  • Advanced Manufacturing
A13 Engineering moved from plasma cutting to laser cutting in October 23 with the installation of a Bodor 12kW Laser and Lantek Expert software. Harry Hodgetts, Managing Director at A13 Engineering says, “With high-definition plasma, we found that it was not suitable for about 10% of our production, driving us to invest in a laser cutter giving higher accuracy and automatic part etching for easy component identification.”

Reducing the carbon footprint in the industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Nine million people around the world die each year from diseases related to environmental pollution: over a million species are in danger of extinction; and the temperature of the planet is due to rise by three degrees by the end of this century. Pollution, loss of biodiversity and extreme weather patterns are the threats facing us due to climate change, according to a report by the UN.

Lantek Analytics: the best ally for Smart Data Management

  • Advanced Manufacturing
There’s a timely saying that states: "there is no such thing as too much knowledge", that may be true for knowledge but not for data and, in a world where data is multiplying, managing it properly and precisely when making decisions can mark the difference between the success or failure of a project.