• Digital Transformation

5 challenges for the metal and sheet metal cutting industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Ultimately, the crux of the matter is to optimize plant production in order to mass-produce customized parts without increasing costs and while also boosting productivity, that’s why using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is vital. We’re talking about both the sensorization of plants with Internet of Things (IoT) technology and advanced software developed using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hosted in Cloud environments.

Advanced MES & Analytics: From Machinery to the brain of the Enterprise

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Until not very long ago, machines were totally dependent on orders from people. They were not autonomous and did not communicate amongst themselves, slowing production and thereby also making them more vulnerable to manual operating errors. Now, in the era of smart & digital factories, MES (manufacturing execution systems) continue to be the backbone that control and oversee everything occurring inside the plant, but they have now moved up a category, revolutionizing management and production.

Lantek 360: comprehensive management and availability anywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek recently presented a set of applications that allow the path to digital transformation to unfold quickly and intuitively for companies in the sector. These applications now make up the suite of cloud-based products called Lantek 360. Users of Lantek 360 will have applications with enormous capabilities, and will be able to access and process large amounts of data in real time as well as historical data.