• Digital Transformation

The real value of data in sheet metal manufacturing

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Every aspect of manufacturing has the potential to generate vast quantities of data about the process and its performance. With new ways of gathering and collating this information it is the key to optimising productivity and profitability.

On the Road to Smart Manufacturing: IoT/IIoT and Security, an Inseparable Pair

  • Digital Transformation
The arrival of the IoT on the market was a watershed moment in terms of how we relate to technology. It revolutionized everything, from smart homes to connected cars, to systems for smart cities, 5G innovations and, of course, industrial advancements made with the industrial internet of things (IIoT).

MES, the Heart of the Plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In the same way that the heart pumps blood in different ways according to the requirements of the body, the MES gives the production manager the ability to adapt to the pace and characteristics of the company, its customers and its production plants.