• Advanced Manufacturing

Smart pricing

  • Advanced Manufacturing
It is generally quite difficult to know exactly how much each process contributes to a product’s value chain. The sheet metal world is not immune to the difficulty of estimating the right price for the product. There is an infinite number of processes that add value to a product: material used, scrap generated, cutting time, consumables used, labor associated with production, miscellaneous indirect costs, etc.

Excellence in Shop Floor Control

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Shop floor control is a key component that substantially affects the decision-making process of any company. In this article, we will analyze the scope of efficient resource management and its related activities to help companies successfully transition from planning to reality.

Lantek Workshop Radar, quick location in the workshop

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The correct identification and location of all the workshop assets is a necessary condition for the correct implementation of efficient and effective internal logistics that can help maximize productive capacity. Traditional methods of identification and location are based on the human factor and are prone to error. Lantek Workshop Radar is Lantek’s solution for locating assets— sheet metal, tools, products, etc.—inside the workshop. Perfectly integrated with Lantek’s manufacturing suite, it allows its operators to minimize lost time and have a much more accurate and updated inventory at all times.