• Advanced Manufacturing

From Shop Floor to Cloud: How Lantek MES Transforms Manufacturing

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Slice. Bend. Weld. Repeat. Each action on the shop floor demands flawless execution. Lantek’s Machine Connectivity technology, paired with our Manufacturing Execution System (MES), is revolutionizing this routine. The secret sauce? Real-time data. MES integrates effortlessly with CAD/CAM systems, bridging the gap between design and production, and ensuring every operation is executed with pinpoint accuracy. This is not just an upgrade; it’s a transformation.

Technology and Industry 4.0: meeting the challenge with the right partner

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Industry 4.0 is in the news and companies in every sector are becoming aware of the terminology. Its potential for improving productivity is immense. But we must remember that this concept includes dozens of very different technologies, each with different implications and results. The challenge for industrial companies is to understand the possibilities for their business in detail and draw up a plan to transform production processes step by step.

Technology consumes our daily lives, why not our manufacturing facilities?

  • Digital Transformation
We hear it daily from manufacturers: “I would love to become more digital, but I am just too busy.” While being busy is great for your business, and carving time to implement new technologies can be difficult, it is becoming more and more essential. Not only can it be difficult to find the time to implement, it can be particularly difficult to understand what exactly your facility needs in terms of technology and how to plan for future developments.