• Advanced Manufacturing

Business Intelligence: accessibility, agility and knowledge to lend continuity to business

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The raison d’être in industry is the transformation of raw materials into suitable products that satisfy people’s requirements and, by extension, those of the market. The quantity of processes performed and the parties that have to intervene to make this transformation possible vary depending on the sector or the purpose of the product. Coordinating all of the above is complicated as it generates data which is both ample and extremely diverse and to which other variables are added, such as the market, external factors, the competition... the information keeps on growing! Knowing how to process it to find out which type of data we have and which can truly add value, streamlining processes, identifying trends, reducing uncertainty, making forecasts and being able to react in time is critical for any sector’s industry.

“Touch & Play”- state-of-the-art technological innovation

  • Digital Transformation
In its effort to boost new technologies and as the leader in the international CAD/CAM market, Lantek has developed “Touch&Play” a Lantek Inside module encompassing more than 35 years of experience from Lantek in the sheet metal processing industry and new augmented reality technologies.

The Internet of Things, moving towards the full monitoring of machines

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) will transform companies, corporations, opening a new era of economic growth and competitiveness. In the not too distant future, the interchange of people, data and intelligent machines will have a far-reaching impact on the productivity and efficiency of the industry.