• Advanced Manufacturing

4 challenges in migrating applications to the Cloud

  • Advanced Manufacturing
For many companies, the journey to the cloud presents itself as a challenge. Its enormous benefits are obvious: cost reduction, access from anywhere and any device that is connected, immediate and unlimited scalability, integration of programming languages... Advantages that imply such substantial savings and efficiency that it’s impossible to ignore that we are now in the era of Cloud software. Technology replacement will be unstoppable in years to come. For this reason, it’s essential to do it safely, gradually and without interruptions that slow down the company’s operation. Finding suitable partners to ensure a smooth landing is crucial in order for successful migration to the Cloud.

When faster and more effective client response comes down to optimizing workloads

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The tendency in today’s world is to manage in an increasingly intelligent way and, unsurprisingly, this affects the industrial environment, the plants and industrial facilities in which the real-time planning and optimization of productive processes is fundamental for a business’ competitiveness. In practice, this is made possible through the incorporation of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems that streamline business processes and significantly improve productivity. The "all connected" and "in time" production trend is now a reality, but this race towards innovation has its advantages and its disadvantages.

MES, the Heart of the Plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In the same way that the heart pumps blood in different ways according to the requirements of the body, the MES gives the production manager the ability to adapt to the pace and characteristics of the company, its customers and its production plants.