• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek, the Force Behind

  • Advanced Manufacturing
"The Force is not just about moving rocks. It’s about understanding the connections between all things. When you understand the connections between all things, you understand the Force." - Luke Skywalker

I want to implement a laser cutting installation, what do I need to consider?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We are quite often faced with a recurring question from our clients, companies that have made the complicated decision to buy a laser cutting machine but have no clear criterion or contrast data to help them find out which is the right machine for them.

Control your company’s production from any device

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Could you imagine a situation in which from anywhere of the world you were you could access in real time to your plant’s information? Wouldn’t it be perfect to control your company’s production from any device? Even if you are at your own plant, wouldn’t be a huge technological advantage to manage any process from anywhere? And yet more relevant, be able to collect the information coming from any cutting machine in the market?