• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek responds to the evolution of the sheet metal industry in 2020

  • Digital Transformation
The immediate impact of Covid was the need for staff to work from home if possible, which meant that tasks like programming the cutting machines and preparing quotations needed to be quickly made operational from home offices. About 40% of our customers had an immediate need for this capability as soon as lockdown started.

Lantek solutions for integrating a corporate ERP

  • Advanced Manufacturing
“I need to integrate my (ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning system. How do I do it?” This question is more common that it might seem and, despite the fact that the customization of products and services is commonplace in the metal and sheet metal industry, at Lantek we wanted to provide a solution for those that already have a corporate ERP and need to integrate it into the system. In other words, although Lantek has its own software for managing 100% of a metal company called Lantek Integra, we are aware that it is our responsibility to provide other solutions for those that have their own ERP and want to keep it.

Machine Communication Standards

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We all know that our goal is to achieve online connectivity between our IT systems and the real processes taking place in our factories. However, in reality, nowadays there is no single communication standard which allows us to communicate our IT solutions (ERP/MRP/MES) to any given machine from any given manufacturer and, of all these terms, it is not easy to understand which are important in each case.