• Advanced Manufacturing

Overcoming Manufacturing Challenges in agricultural machinery

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Imagine the roaring hum of a factory floor, where raw metal is transformed into powerful agricultural machinery. This is the daily grind for manufacturers in the agricultural machinery sector, a world fraught with challenges that can stifle even the most robust operations.

Nukon Lasers UK collaborates with Lantek UK for laser cutting excellence.

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Premium Turkish laser manufacturer Nukon is one of Lantek’s OEM collaborative partners, combining the 2D and 3D technology of Nukon’s lasers with the expertise Lantek brings to the industry with its Lantek Expert software for programming 2D lasers and its Flex3D software for tube cutting lasers.

The automation of processes in sheet metal plants, lever for competitiveness

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Even before the pandemic, the automation of processes in sheet metal plants was a lever for competitiveness, but now, following the impact of Covid, it has become an indispensable competitive advantage for any factory that wants to survive scenarios as disruptive as the ones that we are witnessing.