• Advanced Manufacturing

Data-Driven Smart Manufacturing: The Key to Competitive Advantage

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In today’s competitive manufacturing landscape, businesses that can leverage data to drive insights and decision-making have a clear advantage. Data-driven smart manufacturing is the use of data and analytics to improve all aspects of the manufacturing process, from product design and development to production and quality control.

OEE systems: find out the real performance of your plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In the industrial sector, being aware of your plant’s profitability is key factor in remaining competitive. This is even more important in the new digital ecosystem, where remote working has been incorporated into our day-to-day life making it necessary to use artificial intelligence technology and sensors to be more efficient. To make this possible, having KPIs that measure production efficiency, and which enable corrective measures to be taken is absolutely vital.

Lantek MES+, the market’s most advanced metal sheet cutting software

  • Digital Transformation
In order for a plant to operate with the highest efficiency regarding deadlines and costs, and with total optimization of raw materials and processes, it requires advanced manufacturing management. Intelligent production that offers you, in real time, a global view of all the manufacturing processes and their automated planning. This is already possible thanks to Lantek MES+, the market’s most advanced sheet metal software, which enhances and completes the capabilities of the traditional MES.