• Advanced Manufacturing

Levers for building a sustainable future

  • Digital Transformation
The industrial sector is the powerhouse behind a country’s growth due to its ability to enhance the competitiveness and internationalization of an economy. The driving effect that it has over other activities, the quality of the work that it generates, the constant innovation and the speed and flexibility with which it adapts to different situations make the industrial business fabric a vector for the progress and well-being of a society.

Cloud Computing: the advantages of being in the cloud for the metal industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Digital transformation is making increasingly decentralized environments possible. As well as mobile devices and software tools that interconnect machines and processes while capturing data, storing all of the information generated by factories in the cloud makes it possible for us to take greater advantage of all of the information in a more streamlined and efficient manner.

Manufacturing Analytics

  • Manufacturing Analytics
CEOs ask themselves questions about how to improve their businesses. Why should I use Manufacturing Analytics in my company? Is it because it is a trend in the industry, and it is very cool to have it? Or, is it because of the ability to discover patterns and trends within our historical data and progress from reactive to proactive decision-making?