• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek solutions for integrating a corporate ERP

  • Advanced Manufacturing
“I need to integrate my (ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning system. How do I do it?” This question is more common that it might seem and, despite the fact that the customization of products and services is commonplace in the metal and sheet metal industry, at Lantek we wanted to provide a solution for those that already have a corporate ERP and need to integrate it into the system. In other words, although Lantek has its own software for managing 100% of a metal company called Lantek Integra, we are aware that it is our responsibility to provide other solutions for those that have their own ERP and want to keep it.

Digital Factory: digitization of the supply chains

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In this Industry 4.0 era, the new integral production strategies adopted thanks to the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning cloud solutions; at the plant, in terms of the sensorization of machines and processes and the Internet of Things (IoT); and in products, in terms of 3D modeling and simulation systems (Digital Twins, Augmented and Virtual Reality) allow total management of the product life cycle in the digital supply chain.

Adaptation and customization, beyond software

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In the age of digitization, a company’s ability to customize their offer is crucial to enable them to become the preferred choice of current and future customers. This is an adaptation which is necessary in every sector, and the metal industry is not exempt: how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? The key is not in the product, nor in the software per se, but in the processes and in the way that the various pieces of software are adapted to them.