• Advanced Manufacturing

The value of connectivity in a Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In this era of pandemic, connectivity has shown just how valuable it is. Following lockdown, manufacturers adapted their workflow and the way they operated in order to continue producing. Those that were able to work remotely did so to maintain safety distances. But... what are the differences between factories with varying levels of connectivity?

Simplifying the quoting process

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Financial planning is one of the most important activities to ensure the smooth running of a business, and more so in the metal and sheet metal processing industry. There are many elements to take into account within this planning process, but it would be fair to say that preparing quotes is one of the most critical. The quote is like a map for a traveler - it marks the proposed route and, for a business to be managed effectively, this must be as close as possible to reality.

Multi-location - digitization: the vaccine that the metal industry needs

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The industrial sector, like many others, is facing a period of uncertainty as the economic and business scenario has been radically transformed over the last few months by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing’s for sure: emerging intact from such a delicate situation doesn’t just depend on ourselves; there are many intervening factors and they are closely connected, such as the recovery of the major world powers’ economies, the measures taken by the governments in each country or the evolution of the virus itself.