• Advanced Manufacturing

Lean and Agile Methodologies to improve plant production efficiency

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Delivering value to customers through high quality products and fast service is fundamental to all businesses and an important requirement for project teams. In the quest to optimise the production process, various methodologies have emerged that aim to improve every stage of the process, from budgeting and initial design through to development, manufacturing, inventory and distribution.

5 challenges for the metal and sheet metal cutting industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Ultimately, the crux of the matter is to optimize plant production in order to mass-produce customized parts without increasing costs and while also boosting productivity, that’s why using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is vital. We’re talking about both the sensorization of plants with Internet of Things (IoT) technology and advanced software developed using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hosted in Cloud environments.
Data Analytics

Data Analytics and how to make the best decisions for your plant.

  • Digital Transformation
Data on operations, processes, logistics, personal data, financial data... Data, data and more data. Too much data. So much data, in terms of quantity and variety, that it can be overwhelming. What is the best way to collect and organize them so that they make sense? To know what to do with them, so that they boost the productivity and efficiency of the plant?