• Digital Transformation

Lantek MES Wos to control production in the workshop and increase efficiency

  • Advanced Manufacturing
What do we ask of our factories? Efficiency and maximum quality. To do this, we need a plant data collection program at the operator’s post, the objective of which is the monitoring, control and validation of each one of the manufacturing processes, from reception of the order to the completion of production. And all of this, of course, in real time and automated, so that production can be performed with greater agility and optimization. Without administrative tasks that cause delays and can even lead to mistakes.

What is Edge Computing and How Can It Help Manufacturers?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
It seems that new computing methodologies are released every other year. In recent years much of the focus has been put on converting legacy systems to cloud solutions. Widespread adoption of cloud technology in all industries has helped to drive the cost of these solutions down. While cloud solutions are helping enterprises and individuals stay up to date with the latest technological and security advancements, they require a tremendous amount of data transmission.

Advantages of becoming a Factory 4.0

  • Digital Transformation
No fewer than 90% of companies lack a digital strategy. According to a report by the renowned German strategic consulting firm, Roland Berger. Today however, these barriers can and should be saved, especially now that the fourth industrial revolution is here. It is unstoppable and there is no turning back. If you resist change you will be out of the market.