• Advanced Manufacturing

Laser or water jet? Two different, but complimentary, cutting machines

  • Advanced Manufacturing
They emerged at practically the same time, during the second half of the 1960s, and although they use antagonistic technologies and processes, in a metal or sheet metal factory both complement each other because they are unbeatable in their respective niches, as we’re about to find out.

6 steps for building the Digital Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
When we talk about the Digital Smart Factory we mean intelligent and advanced manufacturing supported by digitization and the interconnection of processes and machines to collect and process data. It involves the participation of all the departments of a plant, from production planning to remote maintenance, including system integration or data analytics.

Digitalization and remote working: two concepts combined to bring us the opportunity to work everywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
As we saw at the start of the pandemic, digitized companies have been those best able to overcome the limitations of confinement. They have also had, and continue to have, the greatest potential to succeed in these times of uncertainty. In times of coronavirus, the value of connectivity has been recognized for its ability to enable productive activity to continue through remote working.