• Advanced Manufacturing

Laser or water jet? Two different, but complimentary, cutting machines

  • Advanced Manufacturing
They emerged at practically the same time, during the second half of the 1960s, and although they use antagonistic technologies and processes, in a metal or sheet metal factory both complement each other because they are unbeatable in their respective niches, as we’re about to find out.

Smart pricing

  • Advanced Manufacturing
It is generally quite difficult to know exactly how much each process contributes to a product’s value chain. The sheet metal world is not immune to the difficulty of estimating the right price for the product. There is an infinite number of processes that add value to a product: material used, scrap generated, cutting time, consumables used, labor associated with production, miscellaneous indirect costs, etc.

Quoting in the cloud

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In order for the company to stay at the forefront of development and the market, Lantek has provided an online portal to a customer which is fully automated both for sheet metal and for tubes/ profiles. This online store allows its users to receive a quote for fully automated laser cutting in a few minutes for 2D and 3D files.