• Advanced Manufacturing

HVAC is easy with Lantek Expert Duct

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek Expert Duct has been designed for the HVAC and ducting industry to simplify the manufacture of duct components, ensuring that the finished ductwork fits together perfectly.

Lantek MES Wos is key to building a secure future for sheet metal manufacturers

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek’s MES solution for sheet metal manufacturers is designed to help companies get on the path to digitization. This software helps managers to maintain control of their manufacturing operations, delivering high quality products on time at a profit. The system additionally makes it possible to use data from the workshop to make decisions about investment, customers, markets, pricing and reorganisation and will lead to in depth partnership working with customers and suppliers.

Any factory can become a Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing. Digital Manufacturing. Advanced Manufacturing. Industry 4.0. Whichever term you have heard it called, we can agree it is the talk of the town. The catchy terms and constant spotlight may make it seem out of reach for smaller shops. That could not be further from the truth.