• Advanced Manufacturing

Reinventing coil-fed laser cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Although it may seem relatively new, coil-fed cutting 2D parts is a reasonably old practice and isn’t, for that matter, a process linked to laser.

Technology consumes our daily lives, why not our manufacturing facilities?

  • Digital Transformation
We hear it daily from manufacturers: “I would love to become more digital, but I am just too busy.” While being busy is great for your business, and carving time to implement new technologies can be difficult, it is becoming more and more essential. Not only can it be difficult to find the time to implement, it can be particularly difficult to understand what exactly your facility needs in terms of technology and how to plan for future developments.

Lantek, "the Android" of sheet metal cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We are international, and not only because we have a physical presence in more than a hundred countries and provide support in almost twenty languages, but also because our desire to assist clients as they move toward a Smart Factory leads us to strive for uniform and standardized processes from the outset so that machines can collect information and data of value in a correct and more reliable way. This is why we have worked and invested in R&Di to develop universal software. And we made it happen. We are the Android of machine tools for cutting sheet metal, tubes and profiles.