• Advanced Manufacturing

HVAC is easy with Lantek Expert Duct

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek Expert Duct has been designed for the HVAC and ducting industry to simplify the manufacture of duct components, ensuring that the finished ductwork fits together perfectly.

Opting for digitization is to go with the flow

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Cloud, Analitycs, Big Data, Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence, augmented reality… these and other concepts, that were already around before the pandemic, have now got some real-world solutions in industrial applications. Their aim is helping industry to optimize its processes through safe and effective digitization.

Journeying to the Cloud to reduce the digital divide in the industrial sector following the pandemic

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has highlighted that, without the digitization of processes, it’s difficult to maintain business continuity, that supply chains are fragile and information is unreliable, exposing a digital divide between more or less digitized companies. Those who fail to cover this gap fall by the wayside, which means that accelerating transformative processes planned in the medium and long term is essential in order to adapt to this new disruptive reality, where everything happens at breakneck speed.