• Advanced Manufacturing

Overcoming Manufacturing Challenges in agricultural machinery

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Imagine the roaring hum of a factory floor, where raw metal is transformed into powerful agricultural machinery. This is the daily grind for manufacturers in the agricultural machinery sector, a world fraught with challenges that can stifle even the most robust operations.

Software for the coexistence of different sheet metal cutting machines at the same plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Typically, a second machine tool is added to plants in an attempt to increase production and/or diversify. However, we are also seeing it as a phenomenon aimed at resolving the issue with small series. This occurs when there’s a machine with a large automated production capacity which is expensive to interrupt in order to manufacture small series. To cover this gap and avoid interrupting serial production, many factories use an additional, cheaper machine, without automation but with greater availability.

Digitalization and remote working: two concepts combined to bring us the opportunity to work everywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
As we saw at the start of the pandemic, digitized companies have been those best able to overcome the limitations of confinement. They have also had, and continue to have, the greatest potential to succeed in these times of uncertainty. In times of coronavirus, the value of connectivity has been recognized for its ability to enable productive activity to continue through remote working.