• Digital Transformation

Lantek Analytics: the best ally for Smart Data Management

  • Advanced Manufacturing
There’s a timely saying that states: "there is no such thing as too much knowledge", that may be true for knowledge but not for data and, in a world where data is multiplying, managing it properly and precisely when making decisions can mark the difference between the success or failure of a project.

Lantek exhibits manufacturing technology expertise at FABTECH 2019

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Hundreds of visitors spoke with experts at our booth and attended numerous speaking sessions about streamlining manufacturing operations by creating a digital thread between CAD/CAM, MES, ERP, and analytical systems with Lantek solutions.

Machine Communication Standards

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We all know that our goal is to achieve online connectivity between our IT systems and the real processes taking place in our factories. However, in reality, nowadays there is no single communication standard which allows us to communicate our IT solutions (ERP/MRP/MES) to any given machine from any given manufacturer and, of all these terms, it is not easy to understand which are important in each case.