• Advanced Manufacturing

The technological trends of 2021 that the industrial sector should keep an eye on

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The pandemic has empowered people even more, humanizing companies in terms of their relationship with their stakeholders. Clients, suppliers, employees, partners... Now more than ever, it’s obvious that the biggest asset of any organization is its people, how they feel, how they act, how they relate, how they think. This is what we call the Internet of Behavior (IoB).

SaaS or the solution for using on-demand software in the metal and sheet metal industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The on-demand subscription model has spread through the metal and sheet metal industry opening up the door to an enormous range of software services for companies to access via the Cloud.

Data-based decisions

  • Digital Transformation
Companies in our industry are more conscious everyday about their need to digitally transform. However, they are facing the challenge of how it is to be adopted in their organization.