• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek helps Mace Industries take construction to new heights

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Mace Industries specializes in the design and manufacture of conveyers, roof loaders, elevators, hoists and soil and aggregate screeners for the construction industry. These products were designed by the company to fill a need for a faster, simpler and less labour intensive way to get tiles to scaffolding at roof level – avoiding potentially dangerous ladder work.

Smart Factory: integration of manufacturing processes in multi-location companies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Competitiveness and the capacity to adapt have become the axes that support the success of any business. Nowadays, the many changing intrinsic factors in each region and sector, macroeconomic trends of a hyperconnected global market, specific regulatory aspects in each country, or the consumer’s own behavior, can have a positive or negative impact on the results of any organization.

Which cutting technology is the most suited to your plant?

  • Nesting
Thirty years ago, the global distribution of sheet metal cutting machine-tools was dominated by the oxycut variety (large thicknesses) and, to a lesser extent, the plasma variety (small thicknesses). There was a niche for punching machines along with water jet and laser machines. The latter were aimed at thicknesses less than 5mm and were expensive. Since then, the trend has shifted, shrugging oxycut in favor of other technologies according to thicknesses.