• Advanced Manufacturing

System Integration or Integrated Systems?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Is it possible today to answer unequivocally which approach is better? Over the last few decades, integrated systems for business management have appeared on the market, replacing a number of separate solutions dedicated to individual areas, such as: manufacturing, warehousing, outsourcing, invoicing, accounting, human resources and payroll. These and other aspects of business management need to be integrated for the business to operate as a single unit.

OEE systems: find out the real performance of your plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In the industrial sector, being aware of your plant’s profitability is key factor in remaining competitive. This is even more important in the new digital ecosystem, where remote working has been incorporated into our day-to-day life making it necessary to use artificial intelligence technology and sensors to be more efficient. To make this possible, having KPIs that measure production efficiency, and which enable corrective measures to be taken is absolutely vital.

Levers for building a sustainable future

  • Digital Transformation
The industrial sector is the powerhouse behind a country’s growth due to its ability to enhance the competitiveness and internationalization of an economy. The driving effect that it has over other activities, the quality of the work that it generates, the constant innovation and the speed and flexibility with which it adapts to different situations make the industrial business fabric a vector for the progress and well-being of a society.